The ScoliClub

Scoli 3-D Neutral Stretching Class
with Susan Halbig, PT, DPT

January 31 (Friday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
50 minutes

spots left
This class is a head to toe stretching class for those who feel tight and would like to stretch in scoliosis friendly forms.  This class begins with stretches of each muscle group while maintaining appropriate 3D alignment of the trunk in order to protect the spine.  

Participants will utilize the Stall Bars in standing for exercises including squatting within ones’ comfortable range, performing single leg exercises requiring standing on one leg with upper extremity holding onto bars for support.  Participants with be standing for up to 30 minutes with various exercises, sitting on backless bench with forward bending, single leg stretches up to 15 minutes, getting down to the ground and lying on firm floor with yoga mat for up to 15 minutes, and may perform some hands and knee position exercises (can substitute these with sitting on the bench). 


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